
Delete Blank Columns From The Excel

Following VBA Code will delete blank columns by ignoring 1st row (i.e header) in the excel Steps to follow 1. Open New Excel Workbook 2. Press Alt+F11 3 Click Insert-->Modue 4. Copy and paste the below code in the Blank module inserted from above step 3 5. Click on the Save button or press Ctrl+S 6. Save the excel workbook in ".xlsm" OR "Macro-Enabled Workbook" format. How to Use this Macro-Enabled WorkBook 1. Open the Macro-Enabled Workbook (eg: "delete_column.xlsm") 2. Copy-paste the data (including header) which contains blank columns. Note: If your data doesn't have a header row then replace the following line of code If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rng.Columns(Col).EntireColumn) =0 Then 3. Navigate to View in the Menu Bar 4. Select drop down from the Macros Icon--> View Macros 5. Ensure macro name "DeleteROPBlanks" is selected and macros in selected as (eg: "delete_column.xlsm") 6. Hit Run button 7. You can observ...

Steps to Deploy the OFSAA application in WEBLOGIC server:

Steps to Deploy the OFSAA application in WEBLOGIC server: ========================================================= 1) Generate the "context_name.ear" from the FIC_WEB area by executing the ./ 2) Create a folder by the name "applications" within the domain directory 3) Create a folder by the name "context_name.ear" within the newly created "applications" folder 4) Copy the context_name.ear file from the FIC_WEB folder to the newly create the "context_name.ear" folder created within the applciations folder 5) Explode the .ear file copied from the FIC_WEB area (jar -xvf context_name.ear), There are 2 files and 1 directory created after the .ear file is exploded as mentioned below a) context_name.war ---> file b) context_name.ear ---> file c) META_INF ---> folder 6) Delete the above files (.ear and .war files) 7) Create a new folder by the name "context_name.war" 8) Copy the context_name.war file from th...

Steps for OFSAA ALM cash flow generation

Please find the steps below for the OFSAA ALM cashflow generation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. OBJECT REGISTRATION 1. Create Product Hierarchy in front end.--- DIM_PRODUCTS_B 2. Create COA hierarchy in the front end. -- dim_common_coa_b 3. Map product members to COAs 4. Create one Legal Entity in the Front end. 5. Execute "Reverse Population" -- DT name : REVERSE_POPULATION 6. Create one Active Time bucket. 7. Populate DIM_DATE : Execute function "" in the back end with start date and end date. 8. Populate FSI_D_LOAN contracts 9. Create one product characteristic in ALM 10. Create one ALM Static Deterministic process for Loan data. 11. Execute from ALM Process. 12. Use the below queries for cashflow data. select /* + PARALLEL(16)*/ a.as_of_date, a.account_number, a.amrt_type_cd, a.int_type, a.origination_date, a.last_reprice_date, a.next_reprice_date,
1) Why are we able to see all other schemas along with the schema which we provided in the connection pool settings (odbc / OCI ) A: We will be able to see all other schemas along with the schema credentials which we provide, only when provided schema has a read / write permissions to the schemas available in that instance. 2) How will RPD get the number of records count even when we open RPD in offline and all the services are down. A: Through ODBC / OCI 3) Is Between operator supported by OBIEE when you create joins in RPD ? A: No 4) We have only 1 connection pool with "SCOTT" user but want to import tables from "HR" schema and view data. (Assuming SCOTT has read only permission to HR schema). A: We need to select the check box in connection pool settings "Require Fully Qualified Table Names" 5) Can you delete a parent table if you have created an alias table A: No,  Alias table has to be deleted first before deleting parent table 6)...

Count the actual months and days between two dates

select trunc(months_between(date2,date1)) months,        date2 - add_months(date1,trunc(months_between(date2,date1))) days   from (select to_date('25-Aug-2013','dd-Mon-yyyy') date1,to_date('23-Oct-2013','dd-Mon-yyyy') date2           from dual        ) MONTHS DAYS 1 28

Kiran UCMAS Abacus 2017 April


Search with file extension in Windows

Search with file extension in Windows Enter that from whatever directory you want to start. FOR /R will do the rest for every single file extension (*.xls) that’s in the descendants of the launching directory. for  /r %d in (*.xls) do echo %d >> c:\temp\Output.txt TimeSaver....!!!!